Experience and expertise for more occupational safety

Our qualified safety engineers and occupational safety specialists support you with their experience and expertise.

Find out what we can achieve together with you in the areas of safe working and health protection.

For information contact

Team Arbeitssicherheit – Nicole Kuhnke – Telephone +49 40 5238871-26 – arbeitssicherheit@adt-zielke.com

More Safety for your Company

Safety at work: Needs-oriented and efficient solutions

Qualified team

Our qualified safety engineers and specialists for industrial safety are specialised in many subjects in the field of safety of work. Explosion protection, tests, etc.

Reliable consulting

You will get legally secure advice on all important topics such as creating safety concepts, manufacturer’s obligations / operator’s obligations, BetrSichV, ASiG, machine safety as well as extensive services.

Comprehensive solutions

Our team can take over the role of safety-related supervision for your company,  the entire occupational health and safety management, as well as tests and checks of your production lines regarding legal conformity.

Avoiding downtimes

Occupational safety is a legal requirement, but above and beyond that, the entire team in the company should accept the protection aims regarding safety and health. Together with you we will develop concepts to avoid downtimes.

Relief of tasks

We relieve you of required tasks to exactly meet your needs. From the risk assessment including explosion protection document, if applicable, to safety-related supervision acc. to DGUV ordinance 2, test of electrical work equipment acc. to DGUV ordinance 3 to noise measurement and recurring tests, instructions and training (fire protection assistant, BGW entrepreneur training, etc.).

Useful coaching

Togehter with you we analyse: Is training your team on your premises useful and feasible? We offer coaching in your company communicating important issues an processes.

Individual training sessions

In our academy we offer individual training sessions in the fields of company safety ordinance, risk assessment, machine safety for your teams.

Interim Safety at Work Specialist

Our Interim Safety at Work Specialist supports you in case of personnel shortages and unusually workloads. > more about Interim Safety at Work Specialist
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