Fire marshal training in our academy ADT-Zielke Standardization or on your premises. We train your employees to become fire marshals according to the requirements of the Technical Rules for Work Places ASR A2.2 “Measures against fire” as well as the DGUV information 205-023. The half-day fire marshal training comprises practical and theoretical training.

Qualified trained fire marshals/evacuation aiders help your company in measures to prevent work accidents in case of fire. You can avoid accidents in case of fire in your company.

About 5 percent of your employees should take part in fire marshal training – at least. In some cases, it might make sense to organise a group training session on your premises.

> find out more

For information contact

Team Arbeitssicherheit – Nicole Kuhnke – Telephone +49 40 5238871-26 –

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Fire marshal training for preventive fire protection in your company

Training employees as fire marshals is a major contribution in meeting the legally required fire protection regulations. However, you can only achieve comprehensive fire protection if you check the entire organisation of preventive fire protection in your company – and create a comprehensive law-compliant workplace assessment. We are ready to sit down with you to develop a reasonable concept for individual fire protection in your company. And we will support you to raise your employees’ awareness of fire protection and evacuation.

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