BGW entrepreneur training – alternative demand-driven supervision

BGW Unternehmerschulung alternative bedarfsorientierte Betreuung von ADT-Zielke

We provide you with comprehensive training in BGW company training so that you can qualify yourself in occupational health and safety.

BGW Unternehmerschulung alternative bedarfsorientierte Betreuung von ADT-Zielke

And we offer you the support, if required, for the company physician and occupational safety specialist. Topics for the initial training can be found at the bottom of this page.

Registration forms

Prices, free dates and conditions are available from: Team Arbeitssicherheit – Nicole Kuhnke – Telephone +49 40 5238871-26 –

BGW entrepreneur training

In the BGW entrepreneur training, we train you extensively so that you can qualify for occupational safety and health protection. And we offer supervision for the occupational physician and the occupational safety specialist, if required. Please feel free to ask us for rates, available dates and conditions of the BGW entrepreneur training.

Please contact us for further information.

Supervision type alternative demand-driven supervision

The supervision type alternative demand-driven supervision for occupational safety and health protection is open for companies with a maximum of 50 employees in some industries and regions.If the company management decides to opt for this model, they are themselves duty-bound to acquire the corresponding knowledge to ensure occupational safety and health protection in the company.

In case of additional need or significant changes to the company, the company management must also seek advice from an occupational safety officer (or possibly a company doctor or both) (demand-driven supervision).

BGW entrepreneur training: Topics initial training

The following topics are covered during the initial training.

  • Liability of the entrepreneur in occupational health and safety
  • Tasks of the entrepreneur in relation to
    • the safe workplace
    • safe working conditions
    • Fire protection
    • first aid
    • the safe handling of hazardous substances
    • Dangers of infection
    • Occupational medical precautions
    • the instruction of the employees
  • How to carry out the risk assessment
  • Support offers of the BGW / ADT Zielke


alternative bedarfsorientierte betreuung, bgw-unternehmerschulung