BGW entrepreneur training – continuing training

BGW Unternehmerschulung alternative bedarfsorientierte Betreuung von ADT-Zielke

The alternative demand-driven supervision comprises not only the initial training but also the continuous BGW entrepreneur training. After the first entrepreneur training, the participants are required to follow continuous training.

BGW Unternehmerschulung alternative bedarfsorientierte Betreuung von ADT-Zielke

Dates for continuing training and info on initial training

You can find here: BGW Unternehmerschulung

For information contact

Team Arbeitssicherheit – Nicole Kuhnke – Telephone +49 40 5238871-26 –

BGW entrepreneur training – continuing training online

Fur further information please visit BGW learning center online.

5 Seminar BGW Orga-Check

Seminar 5. BGW entrepreneur training – continuing training online. Fur further information please visit BGW learning center login.

Obligation to demand-driven supervision

The obligation to demand-driven supervision by an occupational safety specialist and company doctor always applies.

We will be happy to support you any time by the regular supervision safety-related supervision according to DGUV Ordinance 2 by an occupational safety specialist and a company doctor or by other services in the field Safety at Work. Just ask us, we will be happy to give you advice.

BGW-Unternehmerschulung: Topics advanced training

The following topics are covered in the training.

  • Where does your company stand in terms of occupational health and safety?
  • Repetition: legal requirements for entrepreneurs
  • Skin protection
    • Basics for skin protection and hand hygiene
    • Concrete tasks of the entrepreneur (skin protection plan, occupational health precaution, etc.)
    • Suspected occupational disease – what is to be done?
  • Mental stress
    • Legal background
    • “What is mental stress anyway?” – Load/stress model
    • This is how the risk assessment for mental stress
  • Support offers of the BGW