Über Uns

Wir eröffnen neue Horizonte

Qualified specialists and engineers deliver optimal solutions

Knowledge, experience, innovation. These are – in buzzwords – us. But there is more behind the words. Behind them are people who are more committed, take a closer look and think more intensively: our Machine Safety CE Occupational Safety team. Our qualified specialists and engineers take over the reliable support of your company and your projects – in machine safety, CE marking, occupational safety and in technical editing.


  • With team spirit, openness and the desire to significantly drive projects forward, we accompany you and your company. Our units work in interdisciplinary teams and thus keep an eye on the big picture.
  • A specific team is carefully selected for each project.
  • Smooth communication is important to us, which means that selected members of our team are always there specifically for you – with reliable substitution arrangements.
  • Quality assurance through qualification and further training is a MUST for us, therefore only our qualified specialists and engineers take over the reliable support of your company.
  • For our team applies: Consistent advanced training program “state of the art”.

Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Zielke founded ADT-Zielke GmbH & Co. KG and since then has been steadily expanding the company as managing director – from performance profile to expansion of the qualified team. The aim is comprehensive CE all-round service as well as machine safety and occupational safety for companies in the mechanical and plant engineering sector.

Ingenieure Fachkräfte bei ADT-Zielke Ingenieurleistungen Maschinensicherheit, CE, Arbeitssicherheit
  • ADT-Zielke GmbH & Co. KG wird erstmals von TÜV Nord für das Managementsystem nach DIN EN ISO 9001 zertifiziert. Zunächst für Beraten, Analysieren, Erstellen, Durchführen, Archivieren, Schulen in den Bereichen Arbeitsschutz, Dokumentation, Technische Übersetzung mit Schwerpunkt im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Medizintechnik. 2015 wird die Zertifizierung um den Bereich CE-Kennzeichnung erweitert.
  • Geschäftsführerin Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Zielke und später weitere Ingenieure aus dem Team werden Fachreferenten bei der TÜV Nord Akademie zu den Themen CE-Koordinator, CE-Konformitätsbewertungsverfahren, Risikobeurteilung und funktionale Sicherheit, Maschinensicherheit.
  • ADT-Zielke arbeitet Seminare zu Maschinensicherheit aus und Kirsten Zielke wird Gastdozentin für Seminare zu Maschinensicherheit an der Technischen Universität Hamburg Harburg.
  • ADT-Zielke wird Kooperationspartner für die Betreuung und Schulung von BGW-Betrieben. Kooperationen mit weiteren Berufsgenossenschaften, wie zum Beispiel BGRCI und BGHW, folgen. Kirsten Zielke und weitere Sicherheitsingenieure und Fachkräfte aus dem Team leiten vor allem Seminare und Schulungen in den Bereichen Maschinensicherheit und Arbeitssicherheit.

Managing Director Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Zielke becomes a participant in the Machinery Working Group, the working group by the EU Commission for the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.

Kirsten Zielke founds a new company: Anlagenbau Zielke GmbH, with Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Zielke as owner and managing director. The corporate purpose is manufacturing machinery and production lines as well as creating appraisals and reports about machine safety and work safety and the CE conformity of machines and production lines.

ADT-Zielke benötigt mehr Platz für das wachsende Team und zieht in die Rummelsburger Straße. Auch neu: ein voll ausgestatteter Seminarraum für Schulungen und Fortbildungen.

Für Schulungen und Seminare, die nicht bei Kunden durchgeführt werden, nutzt die zusätzliche Fläche auch die in 2017 von Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Zielke gegründete Akademie des Unternehmens, ADT-Zielke Standardization GmbH & Co. KG, für ihr umfangreiches Seminarangebot.

Anlagenbau Zielke GmbH Sachverständige für Maschinensicherheit im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau is increasingly used by customers for the preparation of neutral expertises.

Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Zielke wird als Sachverständige für Maschinen und Anlagen Mitglied im Bundesverband Deutscher Sachverständiger und Fachgutachter e. V. BDSF.

Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Zielke wird nach Prüfung von der gemäß DIN EN ISO / IEC 17024 akkreditierten Zertifizierungsstelle European Certification EU CERT CYF als Sachverständige für Maschinen- und Anlagenbau zertifiziert.

Unsere Antwort auf die Corona-Krise: Umfassendes Schutzkonzept für unsere Mitarbeiter und Kunden. ADT-Zielke und Partner bauen das Online-Angebot massiv aus – mit Video-Sprechstunden, Online-Seminaren etc.


New in the group: Technical Documentation Zielke

The ADT-Zielke Group is growing. Böhne & Warns in Bremen is now Technische Dokumentation Zielke GmbH & Co. KG. With a lot of experience, heart and mind, the owner and managing director Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Zielke will preserve all values and competences of Böhne & Warns – and at the same time further expand the strengths. The success of Technische Dokumentation Zielke is thus pre-programmed and the team is ready for new top performances.


The background is: The new company Technische Dokumentation Zielke fits like a glove to ADT-Zielke. Around the topics of technical documentation, CE marking, translation, risk assessment and consulting, Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Zielke is looking forward to an intensive and comradely exchange between the two teams. “There will be so much team building and fair play between the Bremen and Hamburg locations that all existing and future customers can expect special high performance,” she says.

Technische Dokumentation Zielke neu in der ADT-Zielke-Gruppe

Our Team

KirstenZielkeFoto Geschäftsführung ADT-Zielke Maschinensicherheit CE Arbeitsicherheit Technische Redaktion
Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Zielke

I stand for providing our customers with legally secure, reliable and needs-oriented services.

Our most important resource

That’s our team. Committed. With heart and mind.

Our Machine Safety CE Occupational Safety team works with you – whatever problem you need solved. In all our services.

Quality our most important resource

  • Quality assurance through qualification and training is a MUST for us
  • Qualified specialists and engineers for every field of expertise
  • Consistent “state of the art” training program for our team
  • Project and demand oriented team selection
  • Practiced quality management (ISO 9001 certified)
  • Process-oriented project management with reliable contact and representation arrangements

Extensive expertise is a matter of course for us

Our employees with specific expertise provide you with competent support.

  • Specialists for occupational safety / safety experts
  • Safety engineers (membership VDSI and VDI)
  • Engineers for mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, process engineering, automation engineering
  • Explosion protection officers – explosion protection specialists
  • Incident officer
  • CE coordinator
  • Technical editors (membership tekom)
  • Certified technical translators
  • Native-speaker technical translators selected according to DIN EN ISO 17100
  • Environmental protection officers (environmental auditor, waste, immission control, water protection)
  • Qualified person for ladder inspection according to BetrSichV and TRBS 2121
  • Qualified playground inspector according to DIN 79161-1 and -2, FLL/BSFH certified
  • Seminar leader for trainings and workshops
  • Representative for fire protection/hazardous materials/noise protection

Excellent family friendly

Presentation of the Hamburg Family Seal at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce. Albert Schäfer Hall. On 20.11.2023. Vice President of the HK Wilfried Baur, Senator Schlotzhauer, Mr. Hamburg, Member of the Board of the Chamber of Crafts. Annika Zielke (2nd from left) proudly accepts the award for ADT-Zielke (Photo: Stefan Bungert).

We have the Hamburg Family Seal

ADT-Zielke is pleased to have been awarded the Hamburg Family Seal (Hamburger Familiensiegel). This also rewards our commitment to family-friendly and flexible working hours in the company.

For familiy and career

The family seal confirms that a company is particularly committed to the compatibility of family and career. The recognized seal of quality is awarded by the Hamburg Alliance for Families.

The Hamburg Alliance for Families ( Hamburger Allianz für Familien) is an initiative of the Hamburg Senate, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and the Hamburg Chamber of Skilled Crafts.

Our Partners



Do you want new freedoms? Come and start with us. We offer you different employment models depending on the job. Permanent employment or freelance. Flexible time management, full-time or part-time.
