Technical editing for efficient documentation

Our technical editing team makes it possible: You receive high-quality, easy-to-understand technical documents – and the corresponding translation into all common languages.

For information contact

Team Technische Redaktion – Annika Zielke – Telephone +49 40 5238871-16 –

Technical editing: Legally compliant and user-friendly solutions


Comprehensive advice

We advise you in finding the concept for your technical documentation and a useful document structure. We are also happy to advise you about how best to document your work processes in the company and how to get your technical translations done efficiently.

Qualified technical editors

Our qualified technical editors are experienced and fit to apply the latest software and technics.

Structured documents

We create structured documents precisely for your individual needs: Documentation according to Machinery Directive or other EU directives, exact documentation of your work processes in the company, technical translations, etc.

Technical documentation

We give you the entire required documentation for machines, production lines, prototypes, trade fair exhibits, etc. Risk assessments, operating instructions, assembly instructions, maintenance instructions, technical manuals, high-quality translations, etc.


Our documents are functional and user-friendly. Branch-specific. Our team ensures simple handling with documents.

  • Simple navigation
  • Efficient update of data or texts
  • Fast replacement of photos, diagrams, etc.

Legally compliant

We create your technical documentation legally compliant. According to DIN EN IEC/IEEE 82079-1 as well as current and relevant laws, standards, applicable product standards and directives ((Machinery directive etc.)

Services Technical Editing

Technical editing secures concept and structure

We create a structured documentation for you.

  • Selection and functions of the software
  • Use of common file formats
  • Information organised into modules
  • Specifying basic structure (e.g. operating instructions and maintenance instructions in one document or separately)
  • Harmonising target group-oriented structure
  • Safety-related information, safety notes and warning notes acc. to current standards.
  • Processing facts in a comprehensible and precise way (by qualified technical writers)
  • Creating and/or editing graphics (2D and 3D)
  • Your own CI
  • Creating texts to facilitate translation


anlagen, betriebsanleitung, ce-kennzeichnung, CE-Konformität, dokumentation, eu-richtlinie, gefährdungsbeurteilung, Herstellerpflichten, maschinen, maschinenrichtlinie, MRL, Produktsicherheitsgesetz, risikobeurteilung, technische dokumentation, technische redakteure, technische redaktion, übersetzung, wartungsanleitung