In the blog CE plus we inform you about the latest news on CE marking, machine safety, occupational safety – at ADT-Zielke and in the EU. But only about verified information – we leave out half-baked stuff. If you can’t find an information on our website: Just ask us.
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Good to know
Our specialists, engineers and technicians will be happy to provide you with detailed information on numerous topics. Ask us.
State-of-the-art technology is a MUST
Many laws, regulations and directives demand state-of-the-art technology. We support you so that your are always state-of-the-art in the fields of machine safety, CE marking and safety at work. State-of-the-art is important in case of machine acceptance, refitting, risk assessments, work equipment, etc. Please contact our experts for further information.
Research of Standards and Directives
We research for you all standards, directives, ordinances and laws that apply to design and construction of your product. Or that are required for creating law-compliant technical documentation. National and European standards concretize basic requirements of directives and laws to products. Please contact our experts for further information.
Measurement and Inspection
We advise you safely and completely so that you adhere to legal standard and limit values. Our qualified specialists run precise measurements. At the workplace, of work equipment, or of machines and production lines for the CE marking process. Please contact our experts for further information.
Useful links
On some web sites by the EU and Federal Ministries you find information about CE marking, occupational safety and health protection as well as current laws, and also useful links to further information. In this regard we collected some useful links. Please contact our experts for further information.
Technical documentation according to DIN EN IEC/IEEE 82079-1
We create your technical documentation acc. to DIN EN IEC/IEEE 82079-1 as well as current and relevant laws, standards, applicable product standards and directives (machinery directive etc.). This way you are safe from challenges and liability claims (Product Liability Law). Please contact our experts for further information.
Safety according to Product Safety Law (ProdSG)
When products are put on the market, they must not constitute a danger for safety and health of persons or the environment. We support you to meet the requirements of the Product Safety Act completely and to avoid liability cases basing on the Product Liability Act as far as possible. Please contact our experts for further information.
Risk Assessment and Risk Analysis
The risk assessment comprises the entire process, i.e. risk analysis and risk evaluation. Our experts have vast experience in risk evaluation and risk analysis as well as risk assessment. We assess the risk arising from your machines safely and standard-compliant. Please contact our experts for further information.
Functional Safety with SISTEMA
We support you to ensure functional safety of your machines and production lines. We calculate your specified safety functions with SISTEMA. Modelling safety functions in block diagrams. Verification calculation of the performance level of safety functions. Please contact our experts for further information.
There is a better way. That is the base assumption. And then we and you jointly look for solutions – or we suggest solutions to you. Law compliance is our top priority. But we constantly scrutinize the ways to meet the requirements. How can you, your company, your team, achieve greatest success by which processes. Our qualified specialists and engineers for any subject field are there to support you. Please contact our experts for further information.