GPSR with Safety Gate Portal

GPSR mit Safety-Gate-Portal - Beratung ADT-Zielke

GPSR with safety gate portal in 18 months plus x

04/25/2023 GPSR with Safety Gate Portal – the new General Product Safety Regulation goes online with warning system. The EU Parliament’s new General Product Safety Regulation (approved March 30, 2023) aims to combat existing product risks: hazards associated with new technologies and increasing online sales. A key goal is to get dangerous products out of circulation faster and make recalls more effective.

Safety gate portal for greater safety

According to the EU, avoidable accidents involving unsafe products cause an estimated 11.5 billion Euros in damage each year. Therefore, this product safety regulation aims to make the warning system more efficient. For example, if a manufacturer has reason to believe that he has placed a dangerous product on the market, he must immediately inform consumers and market surveillance authorities. To ensure that this happens quickly, the manufacturer will in future have a safety business gateway available for his information. Consumers can then access this information immediately via a safety gateway.

Interface for online providers

Providers of online marketplaces receive an interoperable interface. This enables them to link their interfaces to the Safety Gate portal.

Free of charge and freely accessible

The Safety Gate portal is free of charge and freely accessible to the public. Consumers and other concerned parties can also use a separate section of the Safety Gate portal to inform the Commission about products that may pose a risk to health and safety. The Commission will then take further action.

Duty to warn for all

All economic actors are involved in the warning system according to their role. Obligations to warn of dangerous products arise not only for the manufacturer but also, where appropriate, for the authorized representative, importer, distributor, fulfillment service provider, or any other natural or legal person who has obligations related to the manufacture of products or their making available on the market under the Regulation.

Exciting: Products for commercial use

So far so clear: The new regulation applies to consumer products – whether the products are sold online or in traditional stores. Food, feed and pharmaceuticals are excluded. Exciting in detail: the EU Parliament included additional products in its reading on March 30, 2023. Products designed for exclusively commercial use but which have subsequently entered the consumer market are also to be covered by the regulation. The reason is that they could endanger the health and safety of consumers under reasonably foreseeable conditions.

All, binding, everywhere

The regulation is binding in all its parts and applies directly in every member state. Unlike an EU directive, which individual member states are expected to implement themselves, an EU regulation applies to everyone.

Applies in 18 months plus x days

The product safety regulation GPSR (General Product Safety Regulation) will apply 18 months after its entry into force. The regulation will enter into force on the twentieth day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union, but must first be formally approved by the European Council.

Clarify regulations safely

Ask us if you would like to safely clarify certain aspects of your products with regard to the new regulation. This also concerns, above all, the obligations of the various economic operators. In any case, our experts will keep up to date and provide you with reliable advice.