Noise measurement and vibration measurement

Lärmmessung und Vibrationsmessung von ADT-Zielke

Directives and regulations request noise measurement and vibration measurement of machines and systems. We give you a precise and efficient assessment of the noise exposition in your company – at the work place, at machines, or in factory halls.

Our qualified safety engineers determine the most sensible measurement strategy for your demands.Our high-value measurement devices provide precise data you can rely on.

We advise you safely and completely so that you can adhere to legal standard values and limit values, and we will run the required measurements on your premises.

  • Measurement of the sound power level generated by your machines/systems and devices as part of the conformity evaluation procedure (CE marking)
  • Measurement of the sound power level generated by your machines/systems and devices
  • Measurement tests of sound emission at machines
  • Measurement tests of sound emission at the workplace
  • Measurement tests of noise protection measures at the workplace
  • Advice regarding noise protection measures at the workplace
  • Vibration measurement – entire body and hand-arm

Note: After modifying your production line, it might be necessary and required to perform a noise and vibration measurement. Our specialists gladly advise you on the cases that require a noise and vibration measurement.

Standards regarding noise measurement and vibration measurement

For noise measurement and vibration measurement, we follow for example the following basic standards.

  • DIN EN ISO 11200 (and following) : Acoustics – Noise emitted by machinery and equipment
  • DIN EN ISO 9612 (and following): Acoustics – Determination of occupational noise exposure
  • DIN EN ISO 3740 (and following): Acoustics – Determination of sound power levels of noise sources
  • DIN EN ISO 5349 (and following): Mechanical vibration – Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration
  • DIN EN 14253: Mechanical vibration – Measurement and calculation of occupational exposure to whole-body vibration with reference to health

Do you have any question regarding noise exposition in your company or any measurements of noise or vibration? Call us, our experts will be happy to advise you on how to meet legal requirements. Telephone +49 40 5238871-0. Or send us a message.

We will be happy to advise you on other Measurements and tests.

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