Academy Machine safety CE Safety at Work

Our academy ADT-Zielke Standardization GmbH & Co. KG offers individual seminars, tailor-made for your needs. Or ready-made seminars about important topics in the fields of CE, machine safety and occupational safety. In our academy, practice-oriented training are our speciality.

  • Up-to-date knowledge
  • Most modern teaching methods
  • Developed and hosted by our qualified and experienced seminar hosts and specialists
  • In-house or in our classrooms

Our seminars do not mean that someone stands in front – and the others have to listen. We want to achieve something together with you. Seminars and workshops need to be practice-oriented and aim to facilitate work in your company. Our team will gladly inform you in detail about the seminar contents. Or they will discuss with you all important contents and learning objectives for your individual coaching sessions.

For information contact

Team Akademie – Nicole Kuhnke – Telefophone +49 40 5238871-26 –

Recommended by our academy

In some of our seminars you can gain VDSI credit points.


Our academy has developed a special Compliance-Audit. A reliable conformity check of your company.  > find out more at the website Akademie ADT-Zielke

Services by the academy

Academy Machine safety CE Safety at Work: Topic fields for seminars and workshops

  • Standards/EU Directives (CE process, Machinery Directive, etc.) > find out more
  • Safety of machinery – placing machines on the market – operating machines > find out more
  • SISTEMA workshop
  • Workshop Risk Assessment acc. to DIN EN ISO 12100 and DIN EN ISO 13849 > find out more
  • SCC training and testing acc. to SCC Document 016
  • and other practice-oriented seminars in our academy

And in the field of Safety at Work:

  • Alternative demand-driven supervision  > BGW entrepreneur training
  • Fire marshals acc. to the technical regulation for workplaces ASR A2.2 > find out more
  • Seminar Safety Officer acc. to § 22 SGB VII, § 20 DGUV Regulation 1 and DGUV Rule 100-001 -001  > find out more
  • Instructions
  • Creating operating instructions
  • etc.

We will gladly arrange an appointment with you.

ADT-Zielke Standardization, akademie, seminare