Train safety officers quickly

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Train safety officers quickly – avoid backlogs

2023-01-19 Your team has grown and the announcement is suddenly: train safety officers – and quickly. Often, this is exactly what gets lost in the day-to-day business and the successful recruitment of new employees. However, the appointment of safety officers is a legal obligation.

Often underestimated: Training safety officers

During their training, safety officers not only learn the basics of occupational safety and health protection in the company. Of course, this is important for sensible protective measures. Above all, it helps prevent accidents at work and occupational illnesses. But a company should not underestimate the fact that safety officers also have knowledge of the rights and duties of the occupational safety authorities and accident insurance institutions. This makes it easier to avoid trouble or problems with the authorities.

Train safety officers quickly – but correctly

Before you delve into the subject at length: Find out whether you need to appoint safety officers at all, and if so, how many. It’s also best to get advice on which employees you should select for training. Once all this has been clarified, you will have the topic off the table after 2 days of training.

It pays to calculate

If your company regularly has more than 20 employees, you must appoint safety officers due to SGB VII. The number of safety officers is defined in § 20 of DGUV Regulation 1. As soon as you know the number of safety officers you need, you should do the math. Is it cheaper to train employees individually or is in-house training worthwhile? Some time after the basic training, further training is recommendable. Sometimes, therefore, it makes sense to stagger the training of individual employees.

Quickly train legally compliant security officers – in just 2 days

Get informed: The academy of ADT-Zielke trains your selected employees to become safety officers. According to § 22 SGB VII, § 20 DGUV Vorschrift 1 and DGUV Regel 100-001. Basic training in 2 days, advanced training in 1 day, exchange of experience. Link: