Machine Safety and acceptance of the machine

Maschinensicherheit und Maschinenabnahme von ADT-Zielke

Extensive requirements to machine safety and acceptance of the machine require efficient procedures. Therefore, we used our vast practical experience and our up-to-date knowledge of the new laws and regulations to develop an extensive test process with detailed check lists.

For more (legal) safety and efficiency in your company, feel free to request our Package Machine Safety – Safety Compliance Kit.

We will be happy to advise you about scope, requirements and costs of a test for machine safety and machine acceptance – just as you need it.

For information contact

Team CE/Maschinensicherheit – Axel Martens – Telephone +49 40 5238871-15 –

Efficient procedures for machine safety and machine acceptance

We support your company to legally place machines on the market and/or operate them.

  • Testing the machine for CE compliance before handover from manufacturer to operator
  • Testing new and used machines for machine safety according to Machinery Directive and German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health BetrSichV
  • Machine acceptance
  • Testing of machines before first use / permanent use
  • Machine evaluation ‒ evaluation of machines from stock, after refit, etc.
  • Documentation of machine evaluation as accompanying document for the risk assessment

Test aspects for machine safety and machine acceptance

We inspect your machine or your production line in regard to the following aspects and more:

  • Have the formal requirements for putting into service and operation been met (EC Declaration of Conformity, operating instructions, marking, etc.)?
  • Has state-of-the-art issues been taken into consideration?
  • Is there a sufficient safety concept (proper use, design, etc.)?
  • Has the machine environment been tested and is it suitable (traffic paths, EX areas, etc.)?
  • Are the operating elements and control units sufficient and functional?
  • Are the safety-related components sufficient and functional?
  • Is the electric/pneumatic/hydraulic equipment sufficient and functional?
  • Are the safety devices sufficient and functional?
  • Are up-to-date operating instructions available?
  • Do the training units contain all relevant issues?

Documentation of the results

After the inspection, we document the result clearly so that you can initiate corresponding measures.

  • Machine is fault-free
  • Machine has minor faults
  • Machine has severe faults

Requirements for machine safety and machine acceptance

Machine safety and acceptance of the machine play a central role in all producing companies. Companies in the field of mechanical engineering, special machinery and process construction or those using machines and production lines are subject to the strict legal requirements to safety of machinery. These obligations apply to the manufacturers and the operators of machines. The main legal requirements are specified in the der EU-Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG (EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC) with the obligation for CE marking and its harmonised standards (e.g. DIN EN ISO 12100 regarding risk assessment) as well as in the Betriebssicherheitsverordnung BetrSichV with the technical rules for company safety (TRBS), the product safety act ProdSG, the ÜAnlG (from mid July 2021), the MÜG, the working conditions act ArbSchG and last but not least the DGUV ordinances and information.

betriebsanweisungen, erstmalige benutzung, maschinenabnahme, maschinensicherheit, schutzeinrichtungen, sicherheitskonzept