Corona protection concept ADT-Zielke


Corona protection concept: Everything runs – safely

2020-11-17 Our Corona protection concept means for you: We are there for you to the full extent. For machine acceptance tests, on-site seminars, in-house training, inspections, etc. You receive our services and solutions in the usual quality – and we reliably comply with the current Corona regulations and ordinances. Our entire team implements our comprehensive Corona protection concept with great discipline.

Hygiene and protective measures

Extensive hygiene and protective measures ensure that you and our team can feel safe – because your health and the health of our team is most important to us. Together with you, we will protect ourselves and you from the corona virus – at your premises and in our offices.

  • Protective distances, minimum distance of 1.5 meters between people
  • Limiting the number of participants in seminars and meetings
  • Mouth and nose cover, when the person is not sitting in the seat
  • Washing or disinfecting the hands
  • Regular cleaning of surfaces and sanitary facilities
  • Sufficient ventilation in rooms
  • Comprehensive safety and hygiene concept
  • Persons with symptoms of illness or the symptoms of an acute respiratory disease are not allowed to enter the building

We have developed special protection concepts tailored to the occasion and performance. We will inform you in good time before an agreed date – if necessary on site or in our offices. We will be happy to send you an extract from our hygiene concept or our information sheet for in-house seminars on request. We will gladly answer your questions. Via e-mail or by phone at +49 40 5238871-10.

All participate

Of course our protection concepts also apply to our partner companies Akademie ADT-Zielke and Anlagenbau Zielke.